Ministries Children's Minsitries

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Our Mission

"To build our children up in the body of Christ, deepening their faith in God as they establish their role and relationships within our church community."

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

Sunday Programming

Kingdom Kidz is on Sunday Mornings @ 10AM for children up to Grade 5.

is from 9:40AM-10:10AM

Visiting families are welcome.

Cold/Flu Season

To help prevent the spread of illness during this cold/flu season, it is understood that if a child is feeling unwell they will not attend church.


Parent Drop-Ins

This is a time for parents to come by and chat with other parents about life, spirituality, parenting, school, anything really! We want to be able to support one another in our parenting journeys. Children are welcome.


Thursday the 14th @ 10am

Where: Kanata Baptist Church Library

Saturday the 23rd @ 10am

Where: Kanata Baptist Church Foyer

Parent Resource Library

A Parent Resource library has been started in the office at KBC. You can browse what we have here. If you have any questions or would like to borrow one of the books, please contact Hilary Giles at Thank you!


HUB App Icon


Parents and volunteers can keep up to date on events, announcements, and weekly lesson plans through Hubs.

Contact Hilary Giles @ for an invitation to join Hubs once you have downloaded the Hubs App or accessed Hubs through a web browser.

Interested in serving within Kingdom Kidz?

If you are interested in serving within our children's ministry you can apply by emailing expressing your interest , also please fill out the Kingdom Kidz Volunteer Form.

Preschool Room

Preschool Program Pic

Teaching the Love of Jesus

In our preschool room our main focus is sharing the love of Jesus with the children. Our hope is that they will know Jesus as their friend, so that as they move on up in our Kingdom Kidz program they will be able to deepen that relationship into a strong, unshakeable faith.

Preschool Program

Our Preschool Program consists of songs, playtime, a Bible story and a craft/activity.

A Relationship With Jesus

During these times that we come together we hope that the children will be able to develop their relationship with Jesus through focusing on God walking through life with them and spending time alone with Him. We focus on the importance of our friends and community around us and the gifts God has given us to minister to everyone that crosses our path.
Our hope is that our children will begin to make their faith their own during these years, to build a firm foundation in order to prepare them for the next stage of life-the teenage years.

Kindergarten to Grade 5

Kingdom Kidz Logo

Kinder-Grade 5 Program

Our K-5 Program consists of Large Group time where we have free play in our gymnasium followed by a time of worship. The children then break into their Small Groups (K-Gr. 2 and Gr. 3-5) for a Bible Story and lesson as well as an activity that ties into the lesson. 

Grow Curriculum Logo

If you have any questions contact:

Grow Curriculum

Kingdom Kidz uses the Grow Curriculum.

It has a strong focus on helping children grow spiritually, growing our volunteers as leaders, and growing and helping parents effectively teach their children about having a relationship with Jesus.

Grow divides the year up into 3-month categories with each section focusing on a different spiritual habit:

  • Spend time with God
  • Spend time with others
  • Use your gifts
  • Share your story

Right Now Media

Check out the great selection of children's Bible-based videos on RightNow Media 

To get you started, we recommend the following videos:

Sign up for your free account today

KBC Kingdom Kidz
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